hahah the whole world is having their period. LMAO. anw ystd was a damn tiring day for me! lucky pe wasn't very hiong. did some conditioning only. ahhh and i couldn't finish my gp timed assignment! DAMMIT DAMMIT DAMMMMITTT! ): i was only halfway through my summary when mrfaizad asked us to stop. sheesh i bet im the slowest in class la. >.< my mood for the rest of the day was quite affected because of that. pharmchem after pe and tuition straight after that almost killed me lar. hais. plus ms chee's gonna extend from nxt week onwards.. AHHH yep that was ytd. a boring, tiring, killer day. the whole world says TGIF but I BEG TO DIFFER! HAHAHA! (don't need to beg -.-) today i went shopping at bugis street with yy and shimin after tuition, for YIYUE'S BAG. dammit yy's a loser take so long to shop still say she's a FAST SHOPPER kns la haha! oh and i bought 3 pairs of earrings while they were looking at bags. HEH. xD i already have alot alot of earrings but i dunno why i still keep on buying heehee. (: shimin left after awhile so yy and i decided to go bugis junction and jalan. went like guess, edc, levi's blah blah blah but couldn't find a suitable bag. then we went sony and yy wanted to get new earphones. cos her old ones which cost 35 bucks from BEST were spoit. LOSER LOL use so fast spoil alr haha. and she got the exact same one as mine! LOL. hais anw bag-shopping was a failure today and yy decides that she'll go far east to continue her bag searching on monday instead. haha good luck man (: gosh im damn tired now. there's piano tmr!
ok this post is meant to be a distraction from my work. heh. and woohoo i am left with 2 questions in alkenes tutorial YAY MAN haha okay random. ahh i placed my laptop on my lap and it's releasing hot steam and my legs feel damn uncomfortable! haha guitar prac was quite scary today. the whole ensemble got thrashed by the comm because of disciplinary problems. haha. shit pris and i were damn guilty cos we were late. in the end both of us didn't dare to go for red cross cos we felt super guilty lah! yeah so in the end had to pon rc, sorry amos! haha but after that prac was quite funny LOL. jongan's ZAO XIA was the bomb lah HAHAHAHA! will blog about my fantastic mahjong and wii session at shimin's house soon, when i feel like it. i engaged 2 photographers (shiyun and shihan) to help me take nice candid shots but i think they spammed my cam with pictures of mahjong tiles, people's FEET and.. MORE TILES! haha! and now my camera is totally filled with random pics! shall delete the not-so-nice ones and only post the glam pics HAHAHA. okay shall go back to alkenes. ORG CHEM ROCKS MY SOCKS! xD upcoming: - the wedding game movie date with ju-on! :) - manhattan fish market! :) - RCHN and RJGE orientation camps! - GUITAR SYF! - GE CONCERT! - take5 dunking booth! - orientation FA duties! - SENTOSA OUTING?!! - KBOX! (after CT1!) - RELEASE OF PW RESULTS! (saw mrtoh today and he told us it's april EEEEKS!) :DD
HAPPY CHUYI TO EVERYONE and HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO CHEONG LIMIN! u're officially 18 and LEGAL! woots! hahah ok today was a boring chuyi. cos i only went to ONE relative's house, in the late afternoon somemore. cos my daddy was sick. i suspect he ate too much raw salmon. ytd at sakura he took one full plate of raw salmon and no-one dared to eat it so he finished everything himself! OMG.. LOL anw i watched channel 56's countdown party in the morning. quite nice haha. this year's the first year that i totally didn't watch the channel 8 countdown for cny LOL. except for my horoscope prediction :) hahah went to one of my auntie's house at 4. my father's side one. dianwei and i played 5-10-15 again. damn funny we started off using the packet drinks that were there. but both of us lost/won equal number of times so we finished our drinks at around the same time. so we decided to use cny food to play instead. and OMG it was a bad choice cos i think we both ate DAMN ALOT OF JUNK FOOD shittshitshit! hahah initially we decided that the loser would have to eat one guazi. but then dw thinks it ain't fun enough. so we decided to change the rules such that the loser would have to eat whatever the winner chose. and i sabo-ed dw by asking him to eat one ULTRA BIG PIECE OF BAK GWA when he lost a particular round omg hahaha damn oily but he ate it anw LOL. and and he actually asked me to eat some dried longan thingy which was EEW TOTALLY GROSS. it's like black lah, and looks like some giant raisin wth i refused to eat it haha! hahah damn fun lah, left at about 6. and went home cos daddy wasn't feeling very well. hope he gets better.. dianwei and i camwhored on the car. HAHAHA nth to do xD i realise my bro's super eligible. he's like tall, skinny, tanned, good-looking, cool and.. you name it, he has it omg. but too bad i THINK he's alr taken :( AWWW. dianwei super act cute! :X TAKOPACHIIIIII! :DDD i like this pic! GRAHHH this pic is super zi-lian. please pretend you never saw this ugly pic thanks. SPASTIC LARH! HAHA this is so gay! LOL GAYNESS TO THE MAX LAHH! hahah presenting to you.. my crazy didi! SIAOKIA. hahaha amazed at the number of different poses he can come up with? i tell you, he can do shilianpai really well! xD ahh that's my brother (: going shimin's house tmr for mahjong/wii/slack and chill. and her mum's cooking lunch for us! wheee can't wait (:(:
**walao eh. 13 years already leh. leave me alone will you. i seriously regretted helping you the other time. now you're like some ghost haunting me. i don't even feel obliged to reply any of your sms-ed/ims. so just do me a favour, get out of my life, please. asshole!
(hehheh i realise i keep coming back to edit this post. this is my THIRD time editing it! put im gonna post pics! xD) haha. im kind of stoning right now. going out again in an hour's time for family reunion dinner at sakura. or urenion dinner, as yiyue puts it :) yep so anyway woke up damn early today. hahah first time wake up so early on a sunday to not practise piano. felt a tinge of guilt lol. went ntuc to buy yu sheng. i'm treating sisterhood! HAHAHA xD then chionged to meet them at orchard, and i was late but it isn't my fault, there was a long queue at ntuc early in the morning -.- met with shimin and yy at wisma's b-dazzle. i wanted to pierce earhole but in the end decided not to. 2 is enough, for now. then awhile later yihui came. and we went shawhouse to buy movie tix. watched jia you xi shi. some hk movie starring louis koo (: initially wanted to watch the wedding game but in the end we decided to convince ourselves that hk shows are nicer hahaha. then went mrt to fetch cheong sao, and proceeded for lunch at orchard hotel's tony roma's. a rather ulu spot, but the ribs were really really good! and cheap! we ate 2 FULL SLABS of pork ribs. had tony roma's red hots and honey carolina pork ribs. superr yummy! hahah both yy and i agreed that the hot one tasted like bak gua. but it's alot nicer lah duh. then after lunch we lou hei-ed in the restaurant! HAHA. we were damn surprised they actually allow us to lou hei there lah, cos it's like a western restaurant and we brought in outside food. heh. we asked a waitress if we could lou hei and she just brought the whole box into the kitchen and helped us arrange the stuff on their plate! damn nice right! we were super amazed by their service. will definitely go there and eat again :) bill came up to about 75, freaking cheap for 5 ppl. and limin LOVES her eeyore! HAHAHA yihui customised it's butt by writing '260109 x3 SISTERHOOD' super artistic!
'zhoom'-ing in on eeyore's butt. BREADDSTIK! whee tony roma's letter to clm! :D:D:DDDD red HOTS! honey carolina! doesn't this pic simply make you salivate! zooming in on the oil on the ribs LOL. leftover rib bones! HAHAHA yy these are from a PIG, not a SHEEP! hahah! more rib bones!
our yu sheng! (: we added in more crackers ourselves :):)) LAO ARHHH! feng sheng shui qi! :DDD hahaha the yu sheng became damn messy after we tossed it for 328432785749043282 times!
(: and the card's beautiful, except for the stupid photo. GRAH SUN YY. you watch out. hahaha! movie after lunch. only yy, sm and i stayed. the show was freaking hilarious lah hahaha omg. wu junru is damn spastic! LMAOO. i wanna watch changeling, the wedding game and the haunting of molly hartley sometime soon.. anyone? :) the punisher looks nice though, but it's m18! GRAHH. 9 MORE MONTHS FREAK. ****** just came back from balestier sakura. shaw plaza there. and im damn bloated now. to the extent of feeling satiated! HAHAHA. okay i shall go run tmr night. after bai nian HEHH. the food there was okayy. the same usual stuff. nothing new. they had all the usual dian xin but no hargows!! omg i want hargow! ): hahaha then me and dianwei played 5-10-15 for damn long. but we didnt drink any alcohol. the loser had to eat all the disgusting stuff that we both didn't dare to eat. like unagi! HAHAH yes both of us hate eating unagi to the max. raw salmon too. don't ask me why, i just don't like the taste haha. ate from like 8 to 10plus. yep. oh i just saw dean's email. pris and i're doing FA duty on 3rd and 4th feb. 3rd at esplanade and 4th for war games at ish, WOWEE means we get to SKIP SCHOOL! wonderful lah! (:(: and we can camwhore at the rooftop of esplanade YAYEE! dunno whether we have time to go marina barrage though :/ shit my eyes are like gonna close anytime soon. i want to shou sui OMG. aniwaeeee, HAVE A HAPPY NIU YEAR EVERYONE! :):):) xin nian kuai le, wan shi ru yi! YEAHHH. :D
WOOHOOO I SURVIVED SATS! yay! hahaha okay i'm damn freaking tired now man. woke up at like the usual time on a school-day. wanted to train to buona vista to meet cheongsao but then it was alr 7am by the time i reached potong pasir. and i had a damn bad stomachache LOL. so i went out at potong pasir and cabbed to acjc. haha the taxi driver kayu lah i told him acjc he drove me to acs barker! OMG but lucky it's still on the way! HAHAH. and this taxi trip was damn blardy cheap! it costed me only 10 bucks from pp to bukit timah but that time when i took from khatib to bishan, a mere 3 stops, it was 8 bucks! can you see the difference omg. -.- i think partly because the driver's travelling at like supersonic speed and there were few traffic lights also lah. lesser waiting time, so the meter didn't jump so fast HEH. reached ac at like 7.40. the place was like bombarded with rafflesians hhaa. heng yiyue helped me check my seat number so i can like immed go register. THANKS ALOT MAN i owe you 2! xDxD won't forget. (: oh and i saw a few of my primary school mates. felicia and yong liang. didn't say hi to yong liang though, i don't think he would recognise me HAHA. ermerm the test was pretty okay i guess. abit harder than practice tests though. im not supposed to reveal anything about the paper haha. there was a 5-min break after every two sections. but it was quite torturous and my brain became more and more fried when i reached the later sections. my pocky can't even sustain me. lol. anyway hope i can do well lah, i am not going to retake it whatever the score. haha. trained to bugis with the rest. met shimin and had a good lunch at hk cha can ting! HAHAHA my chicken chop baked rice set meal was damn nice. bloody full after that. chem tuition after that. i'm at my grandmother's house now, reunion steamboat dinner with my aunties and cousins. :D food's great! we lou hei-ed too! ;D haha, and i played 5-10-15 with my brother, asshole i lost to him thrice! HAHAH wth he chose to ate the steamboat liao when he lost! no funn >< playing with my aunty later hahaha! (: oooh can't wait for tmr! tony rama's and movie with sisterhood and SAKURA INTERNATIONAL BUFFET family reunion dinner :D:D shit i'm gonna gain weight like that. ): *** 1139pm: DAMMITT I think i just downed like alot of beer cause of 5-10-11 HAHAHA it was fun though (:(: my aunty's a noob HHAHAHAAAA!
OMG i finally completed the whole of the SAT book today! including the skipped essays and math sections. haha i'm really SAT-isfied now. SAT-isfied in my context here means do SATS until want keesiao alr HAHAHHA! tuition today was damn funny. i was stoning and not copying anything for the first half an hour cos i couldn't understand binomial distribution and i didn't go for lesson on tuesday cos i was really sick. then mdm chee asked me to do one qn and i was like 'i dunno how to do, i didn't come last lesson' then she went 'ALAMAK why never say earlier!' HAHAHAH then she sat down 1-on-1 teach me. so nice sia ahaha. and i finally understood. i think stats section is fun. i love stats :) eh i just realise stats and sats only one word difference. hah okay ignore me i've gone mad -.- LOL went to trim hair after tuition. cos cny coming, must cut away all the bad luck HAHA. went hair concept studio, cut plus wash. 21.90. and omg the hairstylists inside all bengs sia. every single one of them had angkungs and they were all wearing like vests over their shirts and black skinnies plus super bright sneakers that seem to screamm 'i want your attention!' hahah omgosh. yeah but anw my hairstylist was good. he helped me cut v-shape at the back and trimmed ABIT of fringe. i like my new hairstyle now :):) but he's damn weird he washed my hair first then trim. i thought it's supposed to be the other way round so i asked him. then he was said it's the same. i didn't know. lol. arghh SATS is like less than an hour's time. celebrating after the test over lunch with shimin tmr before tuition. then reunion dinner with waipo's side at night. should be steamboat :D YAY can't waittt!
haha i decided to include advertlets too. cause i think there are more companies advertising. means more money WAHAHA. but nuffnang still cooler hehhs. owww today was a PAINFUL day for me sia. i decided to wear the red pumps that i bought in aussie to school today for 2 reasons: 1) damn lazy to wear socks 2) i thought there would be minimal walking today. BUT ohmytian i am damn wrong. i got blisters when i barely reached my house bus stop! dammit. but i decided to bear with the pain and only put plasters when i reached bishan. by then the skin at the back of my feet alr peeling lah. damn freaking pain. but lucky didn't bleed lol. i have like four plasters in my bag hahaha! lessons were ultimate sian today, but i'm damn surprised i didn't fall asleep at chem and econs lectures. consecutively somemore! shimin say i damn power hahaha. butbut, during bio tutorial i abit buay tahan alr. i think my homeroom is quite sleep-inducing lahh wtheck. this is crazy i don't wanna sleep in every single tutorial. heh. but anw, i think the current chem lecturer rocks lah. he'e damn good at explaining all the mechanisms, and he's super funny! HAHAHA almond! LOLOL. my interest in chem is now re-ignited (: after school yy, limin and me went sch bookshop to buy 2B pencils for SATS! hahahaha damn long never use this kind of pencils alr, reminds me of art classes in primary school. i always use the orange and black kinds then every time sharp until damn short, cmi already then i will throw away HAHAHAHA. now almost everyone uses mechanical pencil! oh, the wonders of technology.. HEHHH. stoned around in canteen for awhile with limin afterwards, didn't eat lunch cos i ate like 2.80 worth of ytf during break! AHAHA wtf it's the most expensive ytf that i've ever eaten in school! ordered too much alr, i couldn't really estimate cos i was freaking hungry during break and i just took whatever i felt like eating. HAHAHAH. went lib to mug my sats after limin left for judo, and ft came along. then after she left for cca i changed place again! HAHAH to windy benches. cos library is too.. stifling. hahaa. saw james mugging for sats too. he damn funny everyone's preparing for critical reading but he's preparing for the writing section! and like spamming all the spg questions HAHAHA wth! left at 6.45. i finally completed the entire book hahaha but i skipped math sections for the last few practice tests cos i didn't feel like doing them. essays also. HAHA maybe i'll attempt them tmr. ah CNY is coming. can't wait to get money. the thought of getting richer just brought an upward parabola with minimum point to my face. i'm SAT-isfiedddddd!
i found this picture in my fone. it's taken last week, on open house day. we were supposed to write our wishes for 2009 as a class. and our class wrote, 'score all A's for our A Levels (x27)', cos there are 27 ppl in my class. yep and we all released the balloons the next morning after morning assembly. nice right! i especially liked the smiley face balloon. so cute sia! :)) haha. the rest of this post is gonna be spammed with random pictures that i took with my phone but am lazy to upload until now. haha. remember the malay guy in the previous post? clever pris managed to snap a few photos of him.. look at the cigarette in his hands! on a train somemore. yiyue said she once saw a guy high on drugs and was banging the doors of the train. wah siala, this is even scarier. lol.
the poor guy didn't even know that he reached his stop until some kind soul told him when he woke up from his deep slumber.. the ahma beside him returning him all his money which flew to the ground. LOL seriously i wonder how pris could take that many pics of him while remaining unnoticed, what a pro. heh. i wanted to use my phone to take initially, cos higher resolution. but then my camera got sound cannot off, so i asked her to take hahaha. okay i know i sound like those typical singapore ahsohs who take often take pictures of inconsiderate people on the train and send them to stomp. but I'M NOT. i'm just amazed at how oblivious this guy can be to the world. -.- plus he was like CHEWING on the cigarette stick. eew yucksssss. and now... presenting to you.. pris's idol! YES, she's that girl who plays YAYA in that 9pm drama serial on channel 8. it's called reunion dinner/tuan yuan fan. and omg that pris is like SO IN LOVE WITH HER okay i tell you since the show started she has been telling me about her like EVERY SINGLE DAY! lol. wtheck. but i have to admit she's kinda cute though. but it's so UNREALISTIC for a girl her age to know so many cheem idioms, like how she blabbered all of them in the show. it's so obvious that she memorised the script la. haha. anw i still think jarod's cuter. heh (; OH and recently after the school holidays there have been several renovations going on in my school. some of them are completed. some of them turned out nice, but others were.... the garden wash area beside the school canteen. this one is nice. me like :D this one is total blahhh. i don't know what to make of it. i thought it was fully completed but apparently the workers are still adding more stuff to it. like it isn't complicated enough. don't you think it looks like a zoo enclosure?!! wtheck. what's with railings all around the school -.- first at the amphi, now here. all right, i've run out of pictures. HAHA. it's so rare for me to post pictures right! normally my posts all damn wordy one. haha. watched take5 semifinals just now. it was like from 230 all the way till 5 plus. i watched the first 3 items, then went for cca and came back at 4 to watch the remaining few items. some were rather nice i must say :D esp the last solo singer. her vocals damn powderful. lihai man! haha then i mugged abit of alkanes notes in the canteen before deciding to zao with pris. SHITSHITSHIT. sats are like.. 3 days away!! GRAHHHH. effing nervous. it's been soo long since i last took such a major exam.
woahh. i feel damn shagged now leh. seriously. today marks the start of proper morning pe. it was hell, considering that i barely trained during the hols. LOL. i think i only ran for like less than a week. crap. pe teacher damn jian. she said she's giving us 15 min, own time own target. wtheck lah, 15 min can easily complete 2.4km. it's an indirect way of saying 'just round 6 rounds around the track LOL'. so anyway, we all ran slowly lah. after 4 rounds i saw xiaodi turning into the inner lane and i followed, thinking that run finish 4 rounds can already. HAHAHA then damn funny miss tan was like 'Why ur stop?? 8 min only!' wtf i didn't know i ran that fast (according to my own standards la duh), so in the end bo pian, ran another round before i decided that i should just stop before i collapse. cos my face damn red alr. haha. did some conditioning afterwards. stupid lunges made my leg muscles damn freaking suan lah! walau. then situps. did 30. haha. had 2 lects after pe, almost fell asleep lols. met pristan after school and went dhoby ghaut to collect our red cross certs, tgt with zpei. haha. then we went shopping at ps for some stuff. zpei damn loser walk so much in the end never find anything >.< then we went macs to rest our legs. bought apple pie haha. chionged back to school for guitar and we were late. oh and by the way, we saw this weird looking malay guy on the train who has a CIGARETTE STICK stuck in his mouth but it wasn't lighted! super funny sia and he was like sleeping. then his head was like bobbing around when the train was moving and it almost dropped on this ahma's shoulder beside him. wtf. then he was holding a few dollar notes in his hands and when the train stopped at novena the impact caused all the notes to slip out of his hands and fly to the ground. and he was TOTALLY OBLIVIOUS TO ALL THAT. freaky man, the people around had to poke him to wake him up and help him take all his money that fell to the ground. what a loser! -.- guitar prac was.. tiring but hilarious. haha mr gaspar's way of conducting is super ultra funny lah! got additional beats one LOL. then had to keep looking at his timing, cos it keeps changing! it's like rhubato on piano lah HAHAHA. i was damn sleepy throughout though, kept yawning like mad. :X prac ended at 730. stupid melvin target primeones again. everytime ask us pack up. but pris and i zao-ed early hehs. went for dinner at s-11 with pris, hahah saw evelyn! LOL wear until so nicee ehhh! hahahaha. yeahh, had my chao fan and bandung, and talktalktalk, left at 830. trained to khatib and 965ed with juon. and i reached home at 9.30. freaking late. and im freaking tired la. :( byebye i shall go bathe now. stinko.
okay crap. i just wasted a nice sunday morning and afternoon that would be perfect for completing my homework. HAHA. who the hell wakes up at 9am on sunday morning to practise piano? well, yours truly does. haha. prac until 11 plus, then went for piano. and yes, hard work really pays off. damn happy to see the comments in my progress book. 'exam pieces A, B and C -good' :D:D yayee! haha then went home and straight away go out again. daddy says some aunty of mine is having this party to celebrate her granddaughter's one month (man yue). hahah dianwei and i damn exclusive we take the food alr then zao-ed to some ulu staircase and eat HAHAHAHA. then we talked alot. and we both found out shocking stuff about each other that we never knew. LMAO. -.- then dianwei and i decided to zao to play bball. went some bball court in woodlands. got like 3 full courts and netball, basketball and soccer courts too wthh super good lah. multi-purpose one. i remembered passing by that place last year while we were taking bus to marvin's house for pw. damn cool luh there! played for quite long, then dianwei wanted to try dunk. HAHAHA lmao he went to the shortest hoop and jumped, and SIALA HE COULD DO IT MANNXZXZZZZ omg. i took a vid of that down. shall post it on fb or smth. DAMN COOL. fine lah, you tall. i short. whatever. :X after that dianwei went buangkok to continue playing bball with his friends. hardcore man. haha i went kopitiam to mug SATS hahaah! then do abit sian liao so i went home. yes, and i haven't done bacteria tutorial! SHITT GOTTA CHIONGGG IT NOW.
YES. i survived a week of school! ohman totally drained out now la. :( today was a hellish day. whole day of tutorials. means whole day of staying in homeroom. which sucked by the way. but at least my homeroom's not very cold. so, heng lor. :D was late meeting angeline and the rest today. haha cos i missed the bus. in the end i reached bishan only at 7.30! HAHA. apparently angeline scolded the irritating aunty and uncle who kept asking us to help them take wobao/today every morning. HAHAH damn funny. i heard she was like 'QING WEN NI MEN KE YI BU KE YI BU YAO YI ZHI SAO RAO WO MEN BU RAN WO GEN MRT THE STATION MASTER COMPLAIN!' smth along these lines lar. haha angeline you rock! haha that should teach them a lesson, not to bully students like us. i bet they take those newspapers and sell them to karang guni to earn $ or sth lar, freakk. lol. haha today at flag-raising.. mstan: junling, are you going to do something about your hair??? me: yesyesyes, i'm going to make it black again over the weekend hahaha. LOL. yes i really will. so BYEBYE brown hair and hairlights, HELLO black hair! oh we had height and weight-taking today. HAHAHA guess what i grew 2cm taller and 2.5kg lighter! OMG DAMN COOL OR WHAT SIA haha bought rainbow icecream to celebrate after PE :):) niceee. slacked ard and talked to some folks from my class while waiting for h3chem to start. haha. i learnt some tamil today! LOL bhuvan was teaching us and it was super funny LAH. isis imitate until damn funny wahahaha! then i asked her to teach us swear words in tamil LOL. i was damn shocked that she knew knnbccb meant OMGGGG. hahaha tsktsk, bhuvan! pharmchem was boring. dammit. we sat at the last row and had to strain our eyes like mad to see the stuff on the ppt slides. hha. there were like 77 slides lah wtfreak, and at like 430 he was barely halfway thru only! siala. then after pharmchem i rushed to tuition. bought old chang kee curry puff to makan at kovan :D and huimin joined! HAHA (: yeahh so after tuition i totally lei dao... louann was saying that today i looked quite tired and stoned.. hahah exactly what bhuvan said while we were in the canteen just now lol. dunno lah, perhaps i was REALLY tired and stressed out by all that has been happening during this week. just that i don't know it myself. in school i don't feel that stressed cos i'm always like high and talking crap. and i really DO waste alot of time in school i realise haha. but when i reach home everyday i really tired until i feel like just sleeping all the way till the next morning lah. >< tutorials are starting to pile up, and as of now here's what i still have YET to do: - complete SAT book - complete The Right Word for SAT critical reading section - GP weekly journal - Bacteria tutorial (by dunno when) - Organisation of prokaryotic and eukaryotic genomes tutorial (by next wed) - Revise above two topics, plus current topic - Alkanes tutorial - Alkenes tutorial - Finish up chem holiday hw - Revise and try to get something, anything, out of H3 chem notes >.< - Finish up P&C tutorial - Finish up vectors II tutorial - Do vectors:equations of planes tutorial - Econs MCQ in tutorial - Econs Case Study Question 2 - Econs Essay outline - Prac piano (2 hrs) - Prac guitar (1 hr) - Late night jogginggg!! (omg pending since dunno when -.-)
WAH CHUA TIO i didn't know got so much stuff to do. fk.
bwahaha i can't believe i forgot to bring fion's prezzie to school today.. AGAIN! shit dbs la. owe her for like almost two months alr shit lol. today was open house! i seriously don't get the 'come to school at 745 to take attendance then you can do whatever you want' thing. crap sia. >< i came though. don't wanna let a white slip mar my beautiful record thus far into the school term. HAHAHA. so i hung ard with pris, angeline and my in the canteen till 9. had prac till 10 plus, then performance at lt1! :D the first round was seriously NOTBAD, i thought. haha. but by the time we had to perform another time at 12 plus i think all of us were seriously drained and thus we didn't play thaaaat well. haha. chionged to mph w pris after performance for redcross booth duty. lol damn slack we were like exploring all the booths. i think we walked round the hall like 3,695,253,684,357,253,470 times HAHAH until we went to the guitar booth reynard and zpei had this 'what? again?' look on their faces HAHAHA! freaking funny! and i spammed random stuff on alot of signup sheets HAHAHAHAH so fun! now ponyo has joined guitar ensemble, red cross and street dance. and luo zhi xiang aka mr pig aka xiao zhu has joined red cross! HAHAHA omg how cool is thattttt -.- lol okay damn crap nvm but it was fuunnn! srsly. the rg girls came like super duper early lah. saw alot of them streaming into the school from 10am alr. woahh hardcore lol. >< at around 2 plus 3 then more people from other schools came, and pris and i were damn excited when we saw group of cedarians, we rushed over to them to distribute all our red cross flyers (heh). and that stupid pris, kept 'HELLO CEDARIANS IM UR SNRRRR!' hahahaha funny or what lol! then all of us started to like sit in a circle in the middle of mph then vidhya was saying we can start our own cca alr.. CEDAR CONNECT! hahahaha wooooots nicenice :D:D:D zao at like 3 plus. yh fang ge zi (ps) me omgggg i think i missed call her like 8 times! turned out she's sleeping at home wth! then pris and i went to 7-11 to buy stuff. and i bought my rainbow icecreammm yum i like! (: okay i got nth to post liao hahaha tmr is a long and boring day and it's 1150pm and i think i should sleep and i'm going off now kthxbyee! :)
today was damn sian lah. first day of school, assembly in mph where we watched some supposedly motivating and inspiring vid. ><>< and there are like THREE econs tut instead of TWO, and only ONE econs lecture per wk, which means, lesser slacking :( i think i still haven't gotten used to the fact that i'm already a jayTWO, and that i've just let one year of my jc life slip by like that. i dunno, but today school's atmosphere is sort of... weird. the feeling is like.. damn sian. it's not like last year la. like everyone's beginning to get all geared up for the big A's, or SATS. there're already tons of ppl mugging ard the school today la. freak. and i suddenly got reminded of the days when i was still in secfour. the constant reminders by mrs lim not to get distracted and be focused for the entire year, cos this is the last lap of the run. harcore mugging sessions with mich and anger at ppmacs/kfc/amklib. overdose of sch prelim papers, and what not. i kinda miss her, i miss how she groomed the phenomenal class of 2007 :( its quite hard to find another teacher like mrs lim. today had like damn alot of breaks lah, super waste time sia. and by the time bio lecture started i was alr damn tired lah. all my energy in the morning gone liao lol. and today i didn't bring my notes for all the lectures la. rocks man. have to copy my notes cin the zabalang notebook. zzz. lessons ended at like 125. and i had nth to do all the way till 4pm! HAHAH so i slacked with shimin, and her vball frens. super out of place but ah heck, i was too tired to go find 1314, who's in the piano room playing piano HAHAH. finally at 3.50 i went to find 1314 in piano room. then went for guitar. guitar prac today was OMG like almost nobody ponned HAHA. wow even kenneth was there! HAHAHA i thought he quitted o.O oh and our pieces improved quite a bit. we sounded more confident playing it. so yeah, nice (: wanted to dump guitar in guitar room with pris and angeline lor, but stupid la they don't allow. most of them using the school's alto guitar, they don't know the pain of having to lug a heavy music instrument to school lah. asses! chionged to tuition after guitar. late by 15 min :X anyway today was o level results release day. CEDAR GOT AN MSG OF 9.0, THE BEST RESULTS IN HISTORY! ownage lah omgomgomg i'm so proud of my juniors, esp JAAYU!! fellow junior handbeller and top scorer OMG with 10A1s! :):):) good job girl! pris was saying handbellers zhong yu chu ren tou di HAHAH. yay. and i heard phy and chem were like both 1.7. omg the cohort's phy freaking lihai. anw congrats to all who did well! random, jarod sings really well. omg, unbelievable.
sian. ultimate sian. why leh? cos. SCHOOL IS OFFICIALLY STARTING IN 1O HOURS' TIME! and guess what. i haven't finish my holiday homework. deep shit manxzz. i dowan go school la. confirm fall asleep during lectures zzzz. my body clock is unable to adjust to 6 hours' of sleep a day lah. :(
today has been one hell of a tiring day. supposed to reach school at 9am for guitar prac but i actually woke up only at 8! super ultra late omg. lucky my mummy fetched me to the bus stop outside. so i took 965 to khatib but when i reached there it was alr 9.05! gahhh bo pian, i crossed the overhead bridge and cabbed to school lor. the meter kept increasing like mad la omg and i had to pay 8 bucks wtshit. damn ex. damn bo song. stopped beside the canteen gate and rushed in. went sr and i realise i forgot to take my guitar from guitar room hahaha so lijie and i went up again haha. yeahh anw damn cool lijie and i got the SAME SPECS! woohooo except that mine's black and hers is white. hahaha but exact same pattern. same degree and same brand somemore lee's one -.- haha but i kena scammed mine more ex. freakkk dammit. haha. break was totally useless manxz. none of the stalls were open! FREAK. haha so we all sat down and talked instead. saw harmless chicken mugging omg he's damn hardworking. hardcore sia haha. saw david too and he was like 'you changed specs?!!!' sounding damn shocked LMAOO. i wanted to tell him i didn't and that i was still wearing the white one, just that it got dirty and became black. but then i think like that sibei lame so i didn't say HAHAHA oh man but isn't it obvious LOLL. damn funny. full dress rehearsal after prac. first time was bad. according to zpei. but second round was definitely much better la i thought xD AT LEAST pris and i had stands! HAHAHA! co's performance was total ownage lah -.- damn stressed to be after them lor, they were like WHOA damn good sehhh. haha anw after guitar i took 57 with my to bishan interchange haha while pris left in her daddy's car. then nobody free to eat lunch with me damn pathetic cos my meeting fren. so i trained to bugis myself and went starbucks to eat uglier chicken puff. HAHA. wanted to do some work but decided to go shop instead. HAHA went bugis village again and bought like another pair of black skinnies and a black skinny tie to match one of my collared shirts HAHA. damn zai sia the tie me like :D hahah then buy until no cash liao and lazy to take money out so i decided to use nets and went bugis junction to shop instead! HAHA this is called a pro shopper :D went watsons to look around, and bought a bottle of nail hardener. 7 bucks but got dunno some discount become 5 plus only omg i damn shocked when i saw the machine haha. >< it's supposed to be good for the fingernails HAHA esp for ppl like me who have to play guitar and piano, need to take care of fingernails sia omg. later one day sekalia all duan diao dieee. hah. then went face shop. bought bluish top coat for 2.90! super cheap! damn nice i like the bluish tint haha but not intending to use it as a top coat though :) tuition after that. i nearly fell asleep, kept yawning like mad la. haha sm too i saw her eyes partially closed most of the time haha. fion was saying i looked diff but she couldnt tell the difference initially. then she noticed my new specs -.- HAHAH but she says its nice so YAYYY! she said my white specs made me look kind of goofy HAHAH wtheckkk man. so you mean i look damn guaikia now right i knew it! *beams* oh and i finally bought my chequered backpack! went marina sq after tuition to get it. FINALLY. after pondering for sooo long, esp because of that cockroach incident! HAHAHAHA only sisterhood knows it. heh. but i choose to believe i bought the new one :DD bought it for a cool 35 bucks not bad rite! :D bought a new wallet from fourskin too YAY. when i went home to tally up the amount i spent i realised i really spent damn alot today HAHAH. shit damn guilty. i shall be poor for the next few days and eat s-11 food or smth. (: i'm damn tired. this whole week keep going school for so long, it's taking its toll on me. kinda feeling feverish now ohno. ): 1 more day of holiday left. sighz.
DISCLAIMER: PLEASE DO NOT, I REPEAT, DO NOT READ THIS POST IF YOU ARE SENSITIVE TO VULGARITIES. THANKEW XIE XIE VELI DE MUCH! (: haha i felt i had to put that disclaimer up there if not later sekali i kena haunted by the school or whatever shit. blogging is damn scary lah, talk cock abit in your blog the next day what you typed can like spread to people whom you don't even know ever existed wtf. and got damn serious implications. but whatever i'm gonna let the three main people that i'm gonna complain be called fugly biatches number one, two and three. or can also be classified as 'tai tai wannabes'. no references to how they look like, for privacy's sake. haha. okay so today went like this. i met pris early in the morning at pp macs. my favourite mugging spot. HAHA. tried to settle hol hw. no choice 3 more days till school starts, have to pia >< mugged abit of sats. then after lunchtime we decided to change place cos the macs is starting to get more and more crowded with students from sa schools. and damn noisy lah, the primary school students. play yugioh cards scream and shout like dunno what shit. fk. cannot concentrate any longer, so we trained to sk and decided to continue at cp starbucks xD ordered my green tea frapp, and found a table and sat down. THEN, at this moment, the drama begins to unfold. the three taitai wannabes walked into starbucks, ordered some green tea latte thing (hot) and proceeded to sit at the table just behind pris and i. one of the taitai wannabes ordered the lattes for all of them, then when she came back another taitai who was already sitting down said, 'AIYOOOOH why you never help me take creamer? i usually put AT LEAST THREE PACKETS of creamer into my coffee one leh!' at that juncture i SO HAPPENED to turn my head around, NOT to look at the three stupid taitai wannabes but to see if it was raining, cos i have tuition later. then one of the taitai wannabes saw me turning around and started saying 'YESYES, girl what's your problem? why?' in this yaya papaya tone. i heard it but i didn't even think they were talking about me, so i dao-ed them and turned back to my work lah. WTF then they started chit-chatting DAMN SUPER loudly and complained about how rude teenagers nowadays are, as if the whole cafe their momma own one wtf. anw back to the creamer thing, who the fuck actually puts creamer in GREEN TEA LATTE! then when i turned back they started saying stuff like 'teenagers nowadays everytime like to anyhow stare, recently got this 18 year old teenager kena killed because of staring incident.. another one also like that when he was overseas' blah blah and other shit lah. then they started complaining about how irritating it gets when teenagers like us study in places like macs/starbucks/bk then what hinder other people doing business, indirectly talking about pris and i and the other students mugging there lah wtf is their fucking problem mann! purposely talk and complain until so damn loud, as if the FUCKING world owes them sth. if not for the school-based shirt that i was wearing, i would have scolded them lah. super felt like slapping FUGLY BIATCH NUMBER ONE, who is one of the taitai wannabes, and the MOST IRRITATING ONE who started all this shit. knn la who want stare at your guailan face ccb. even if i wasn't looking outside i don't think i'm doing anything wrong if i turned to look at you when you said you drink at least 3 packets of creamer with coffee one lor wtf. asshole. it's like hearing someone say 'oh i eat at least 3 burgers for one meal!' or something to that effect la walao. i hope you drink creamer until you get diabetes and die one day. seriously. and as for the 'students mugging at public places' issue, bu shuang go some other place where you deem as 'high-class' enough to drink coffee lah! some place where EVERYONE just sits down chit-chatting and sipping their coffee, where there are no students at all lah. fkers. i bet their children also mug outside one lor, anyhow kp people. say us you huan lo liao right? damn you! and public places like starbucks/macs/library got wifi that's why so many students bring their lappies to do projects while enjoying good food. idiots. this is singapore, and many students mug in public places one, don't like then go home drink from express coffee-maker machine lah! mofos. as if they buy 3 cups of coffee sit there tokcok for one hour plusplus never hinder other people doing business like that, not like we didn't buy stuff. AT LEAST we do stuff that are more productive while having coffee and not bitch about gen y and act like rich taitais. i am so sure that talking at an inconsiderate volume such that the entire cafe hears your stupid convo does not hinder other people doing business. asses. anyway i was doing chem stuff but still able to hear what they are talking about cos like what i said, they ARE talking at an inconsiderate volume. then after that they started talking about how many teenagers nowadays mug their asses off like some crazy shit and how it's pointless and stuff, then proceeded to talk about how good mothers they are by only expecting their children to get a 'pass' in school even if they know that they are capable of better results. kns lah, seriously, you ahsohs. -.- finally at 5 plus, they decided that they have had enough of bitching for the day and left the place. and FUGLY BIATCH NUMBER ONE stared at me when she left! WTF i wasn't prepared at all and i looked up when they left and saw her stupid cb face staring at me. fook. then they realised they walked in the wrong direction (losers) and turned back, thus passing by starbucks ANOTHER TIME and FUGLY BIATCH NUMBER ONE STARED BACK AGAIN as i expected so i stared back at her, hard. im hoping her eyes would start bleeding from staring so much at people but they didn't. fuck. put so much makeup, kana ghost like that! okay i've had enough of complaining about the three fugly taitai wannabes. i dedicate such a lengthy post describing their shameless actions good enough already. they don't deserve it. and and i would rather look at my 1314's face than look at their fugly, hideous faces LAH PLEASEEE. bhb like mad. i just wanna blog about this so that thirty years down the road when i look back and reread all my blog posts i can remind myself not to be like them. HAH! left for tuition after that, at 5 plus. never late HENG hahahah :D damn tired when i reached home lah, just in time to catch the final few minutes of qinghuaduoduokai2 and reunion dinner. hahaha. xD openhouse full dress tmr. SIAN.
it's 1.22am and strangely, i don't feel sleepy at all. probably cause of my evening nap x) i think i ought to go force myself to la la land now, since i need to be in bishan tmr at 10am, which is barely 9 hours from now *GASPS!* confirm late >.< going to school during the hols is suchhha bore! :(
i didn't blog for a day, but it felt as if i hadn't blogged for ages. there's just so many things happening in my life, i'm too lazy to update my blog, so there HAHAHA. omg i'm acting like some social butterfly, which is SADLY not the case! HAHA. have been going to school like so many times this week. ahmygawdd. went back for guitar prac, and i was late AGAIN! ahh so damn bloody paiseh can! i took the lift outside seveneleven to level two and when the lift doors opened the whole ensemble was like playing la vivgen halfway omg i swear it was one of the most embarrassing moments in my life lah! -.- haha came at the wrong time lah. ehhh in case you are wondering, i wasn't late because of traffic jam this time round. HAHA it was cos of my pathetically slow walking pace LOL i reached bishan at around 9 and i was taking my own sweet time taking tiny steps to school hehh cos it was damn effing hot and my guitar was damn effing heavy. so yeahh. reached school at 9.40?? around there lah. haha. and i saw isis at amphi haha. la vivgen and someday were pretty okay. we were let off early (HAHA cos kevin felt guilty making us come back on sat LOL), so pris and i decided to leave our guitars in school. so leh cheh sia every mon and wed need to lug to school >< haha and i bought my fav donut aka tian tian quan from stall no.2 again! HAHA. i don't feel guitly lor charmaine lin HAHA! :DD heh so after that pris and i went to makan at hougang mall. went cafe cartel HAHAHA spammed the bread there. and ate set meal. spent a friggin two hours there talking and playing with the food (LOL!) and by the time we finished eating we were damn blardy full canzxx! HAAHAH like all three meals settle tgt in a meal OMG lol. then after our main course we were so full we talked for so long that when we opened the ice cream to eat it was alr melted! HAHAH fucking gross lah! then pris went to mix butter and water and we both played with the ice cream LOL. anyway bu wan bai bu wan right since they're probably gonna throw the ice cream away anws. x) i added the lemon and peach iced tea into my disgusting concoction too HAHAHAA. okay then we left the place at 2. walked ard, then i went to collect my specs HAHAHA. pris said it looked nice, so YAY(: i couldn't get used to it though, got this sudden urge to put on the white one back :/ HAHAH reached home at 3plus, considered super early alr compared to my normal time luh! xD dota time.
went back to school today for guitar prac. manxzxzz why holiday also must go back wanttt :'( and i was late for prac today cos there was like a traffic jam at my house area! STUPID WTF i was on bus 83, and there were like two more 83s, one 62 and one 3 in front of me! CAN YOU IMAGINE HOW SERIOUS THE JAM WAS!??! damn alot of cars on the road sia.. it's like all the way from singapore to kl, and some say batam! wtf lah i left my house at like 8.05 and at 8.40 i was still at PUNGGOL! lol. anw there wasn't any accident or whatever so i really dunno what caused the jam.. :/ anyway, i managed to reach khatib at like 9.15 HAHA and stupid pris was scaring the shit outta me saying dunno what the whole guitar ensembe alr waiting for me LOL KNS LAH hahahaha! turned out that they were still setting up when i reached, at around 9.40 HEHS. then played awhile before pris and i, major slackers, decided to go for our toilet routine at 10.05! HAHA. we decided to walk all the way to the canteen toilet cos there was some construction work at level 1m, lazy to cross over the barrier lol! today's dry run performance SUCKED like SHIT btw, there wasn't enough stands. and pris and i had to use FOOTSTOOLS to support our scores HAHA and i had a hell diff time reading from the score lah! piangggzx esp for la vivgen. STUPID SHIT shouldn't there be more than enough stands around.. at least that's what kevin said lah -.- and we all cannot even see huan chin's conducting clearly cos of the stage lighting and the distance HAHAH so in conclusion i thought it was a failure :( plus we played super softly HAHA. i needa brush up on my skills i think >< what a day! im damn tired nowww zzzz.
today was seriously fun! HAHAHAH met up with shimin at bugis mrt. she was late! HAHAHAHA omg for once i was early OMGOMGOMG so happy HAHAHAHAH okay i shall continue to be punctual for the rest of the year heeeheee! ;D so we decided to go makan at pastamania :) i ate my alfredo, WITHOUT GREEN PEAS. hahaha damn funny they actually had a button for that on the cash register! LOL super funny lah i bet many ppl don't like green peas >< haha then we went bugis village shopping! stupid me forgot to withdraw money and i was lazy to walk back to bugis junction to atm, so i only bought a top there HAHAA. it's white lah, plain but goes nice with belts/skinny ties. wanted to get another belt but no suitable ones. and i was busy looking for my red chequered shirt! HAHAH but all those that we found were like dresses or the not nice kind.. so in the end didn't buy :( sadd. haha. went tuition after that. LOL i finally understood organic chem! HAHAH stagnant for damn long nvr touch the notes for like almost 2 mths?? HAHA. trained to orchard after tuition and met up with the 4P peeps! HAHAHAH and I WASN'T LATE AGAIN! wooots in fact i was early! HAHAH came at the same time with sam and wei xuan. haha wei xuan damn funny lah the whole time sam was sitting beside her in the train and she didn't even notice LOLLLL! then soon after the rest came, and we went swensons for dinner! HAHAH ordered some breaded chicken thing but i only ate less than half HAHAH cos like 60% was the oily skin! i couldn't bear to put the disgusting layer of fats into my mouth, so i just removed the skin HAHAHA. cam-whored ALOT and i think we were damn noisy that some people at the other tables turned over to look at us.. oops! =X hahah den we not shuang after main course, decided to order EARTHQUAKE! hahaha damn funny lah we all stm cannot rmb the flavours we wanted then we had to use our fingers to point at the flavours, it looked like we were playing twister with our fingers LOL! haha bill came up to 196 bucks. stupid taxes urghhhh! after that we went taka to camwhore with the christmas tree! HAHAH and we camwhored in the toilet! LOL in the mirror. damn funny then a lady offered to help us take pic.. IN THE TOILET omg roflll! HAHA then we wanted to go inside LV and camwhore but decided not to. HEH. sat in front of taka, at the steps beside the fountain. and we talked. about damn lot of things. secondary school life, jc life blah blahhh. hahaha cos we had nth else to do. wanted to catch a late night movie/pool/kbox but the timing is not suitable lah. HAHA. talked until 10 plus, then went home.. next gathering will be either a chalet/anger's house/charmian's house! HAHAHAH i have uber fun classmates (: reached home at like 1145 AHA and got scolded by mummy. sheeeshh. cause there's piano tmr! GAHH.
okay. short post, to kick start 09! (: er actually got nth much to blog abt HAHA. i saw fireworks YTD! OMGOMGOMG it's been so long since i last saw fireworks, i think the last time i saw them was a year ago! HAHA! went out shopping today at kovan. had dim sum for lunner haha, at 4pm! LOL. my mealtimes' screwed lah haha. HAHA shit tmr need to go school. red cross stuff. meeting prissy early in the morning for macs breakfast! woohooo~ actually i realised it makes no diff even though i start school on 12th jan i still HAVE to wake up early on 2nd jan LOL WTH. booo i can't go airport tmr to send a dear friend off :( BON VOYAGE KAY! haha. can't wait for SATURDAYYYYY shopping @ bugis YEAHHHHHHHH BABEHHHH! haha andAND 4p gatheringg woots! (:(: omg. 9 more days of freedom left. >< need to settle down soon. HAHA anw 'o8 was a BLAST lah (for me at least) and i hope '09 will be the same too! :):) let's all pia hard for the BIG AYEEEs people! yay.
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Single / Attached to Thong Kar Choon on 12th September 2010 <3
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to be fulfilled and contented with life.
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